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Twenty4Social Marketing Podcast provides the latest news, advice, and interviews—all in one place.


Season 1, Episode 8 • December 02, 2020

10 Easy Steps To Hosting A Profitable Giveaway on Socials

Have you ever wondered how to get people talking about your social platforms? I think movie publicists understand how to make this happen better than anyone else. They get how vital it is for people to talk in advance, so they drop exciting hints and clues leading up to a movie premiere, but I believe that contests on social media function the same way. Getting people excited in advance is just one way for contests/giveaways create buzz.

You'll learn...
1. The importance of Contests and Give-Aways
2. Why you Should have a giveaway
3. My ten Step Strategy to hosting a profitable giveaway
4. I'll give you my giveaway checklist to download
5. How to collaborate with other businesses for a hugely successful campaign
6. You'll also get my collaboration email template
Plus more...

Season 1, Episode 04 • October 28, 2020

What’s Really Holding You Back?

In today's episode, we talk about some of the most common things that hold a lot of entrepreneurs back in their businesses and how to overcome those issues. We look at setting big bodacious goals and how to accomplish those goals successfully. I also want to invite you to join my Facebook group community of likeminded business people. The Power Of Marketing Entrepreneur Community. Be sure to download your free content calendar for social media and join in on our next 7-day challenge!

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