June 10, 2023

Productivity is More Than Getting Things Done 

Business coaches are valuable assets for business owners because they hold the owner accountable for their own progress. In addition, they offer different perspectives on problems that can help business owners see things differently.

They can provide guidance and challenges that can help improve a business owner's decision-making skills. They can also objectively observe how a business operates and what can be improved, offering valuable insights that can help business owners identify areas for growth.

Productivity is more than just performing your daily tasks. A business coach can improve your productivity in all aspects of your business life.

Here are some additional ways that a business coach can help you:

1. You will step out of your comfort zone. Performing tasks that make you uncomfortable can often push your business forward. For example, a business coach might encourage you to try real-life networking or presenting to your local Chamber of Commerce. These tasks can be intimidating, but with practice, they can become easier. By developing real-life relationships with other businesses, you can gain new customers and increase your productivity more quickly than if you stayed in your online bubble.

2. Your coach will correct you as needed.

Your business coach doesn’t want to take over your business; they want YOU to become stronger in your ability to drive the business forward.

As a result, your coach will be honest with you when they see a misstep.

If you listen to your coach’s advice, you will become more effective in your leadership and business skills.

3. Your company’s operations will run more smoothly. Your business coach can see where your operations need improvement through an objective third-party lens.

For example, they might suggest automating certain aspects of your business or hiring a virtual assistant to handle certain tasks.

By making these changes, you can keep your customers happy and lower your overhead costs. Additionally, your assistants or employees can be more productive because they have the proper tools to complete their jobs.


4. You’ll learn how to transform your ideas into reality. Instead of keeping all your product ideas stuck in your head, a business coach can help you analyze your ideas and ask questions about the viability and effectiveness of each product. They can also guide you through the production process to complete your product quickly and cost-effectively.

Working Smarter

Smart business owners know they can’t know everything about every subject, especially if they have no experience in running a business.

This is where a smart business coach can become the business’ top asset, guiding you to financial success.

In conclusion, hiring a business coach can be the key to financial success for smart business owners. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, schedule a discovery call with a business coach today. Together, we can take your business to the next level.

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About the author

Amy-Lee is a certified professional business and marketing mentor and freelance consultant who specialises in helping female entrepreneurs reach their visions and dreams. Founder of The online Digital Marketing Academy teaching entrepreneurs how to create and market their business ideas and live life on their terms.